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Belated Thoughts: ALIEN ROMULUS (2024)

Okay, it's been a week.

A tiny list of additional issues I have with ALIEN ROMULUS(2024).

1) And I'm just going to say it, as CGI has grown to become more and more of the accepted standard, even filmmakers who deeply long for the days of practical effects, have to contend with the cold reality that we now have something of a craftsperson drought where puppets, makeup, and physical effects work no longer have the level of obsession once possessed by their predecessors. The aliens of the film feature this smooth, almost printed feel that lacks any of the brutal and often deeply sexual creepiness of previous alien suits and puppets. They look depressingly mass produced and under-considered, which is odd considering how good the animated ones looked in COVENANT back in 2017. (Worth noting that Scott originally intended for there to be more practical alien effects only to scrap and go almost full CG for that film)

Yeah, it's like we either lack the time, care, or artisan impulse with this creature anymore.

2) Yeah, considering Alvarez's wishes to go more practical, the whole station android thing feels like a studio note that grew more and more out of hand. Plus, it looks terrible. AI is not artistry, no matter how much you advocate for it..

3) And for me this is the big one; Alvarez's film is so busy, so eager to hump fan's legs and hopefully get kids on board with the ALIEN universe that it forgets the one element that makes the original films so impactful..suspense. A faith in a held shot, control of tempo, and of sound design go such a long way toward selling the mystery and dread that makes those films so unforgettable and quotable. It feels like either an egregious oversight, or again studio notes just eager to get to the gags. All money shot, no build up. And that's not fun.

Bonus for measure; Give the lead duo room to breathe. They're perfectly cast. Have faith in their ability to connect with us. You had one shot to do this. No matter what you want, ALIEN is not Star Wars. If you want emotional stakes, you need to take the time. Otherwise we're just marking time until the gags.

Okay, I'm done. Fun last reel tho. And yes, Spaeny and Johnsson are terrific. Let us better bond with them please? Thanks. 🌌